- Kids
- 10 min
What you need:
Coloured pencil Colour Grip, Ecopencil Colour Grip, brush, water
Is there really a picture concealed underneath the black layer of colour?
1. First draw a picture with water-soluble coloured pencils.
2. Then paint over the picture with a non-water-soluble coloured pencil, i.e. cover the picture with a layer of dark colour until you can no longer identify what lies underneath. The water-soluble colour pigments separate the black pigments from the paper while generating a layer of colour that may be removed by applying a wash.
3. Now the picture is passed on to another player who is allowed to take the paintbrush and lots of water to apply a decent wash to the picture.
4. As if by magic, the secret picture will slowly emerge from the dark. The wet, black colour may be dabbed off with a paper towel or even be rinsed off under running water.