- Everybody
- 45 min
What you need:
• Albrecht Dürer Magnus in dark red 225, phthalo blue 110, burnt ochre 187, warm grey II 271 and black 199
• Water brush
• Watercolour paper with fine surface in DIN A4 or DIN A5
• Water brush
• Watercolour paper with fine surface in DIN A4 or DIN A5
Step 1
Preferably, place a real chrome ball as a template. Alternatively, you can also use a photo as a drawing template. Heaven and Earth are reflected in our ball.
Precisely observe the ball, especially the reflection. Draw the contours on watercolour paper with warm grey II 271. Tip: After that, to make the ball appear more round, draw a square with a fine line on the paper. This would work easier than with an evenly round surface. Then you are drawing the ball inside your assisting square.
Color the surface with warm grey II 271 and black 199. Put a bit of dark red 225 to stress reflected area. Draw shadow under the ball with warm grey II 271.
Precisely observe the ball, especially the reflection. Draw the contours on watercolour paper with warm grey II 271. Tip: After that, to make the ball appear more round, draw a square with a fine line on the paper. This would work easier than with an evenly round surface. Then you are drawing the ball inside your assisting square.
Color the surface with warm grey II 271 and black 199. Put a bit of dark red 225 to stress reflected area. Draw shadow under the ball with warm grey II 271.
Step 2
Draw the ball carefully with the water brush. Make sure that the colours do not mix with each other.
Step 3
Take a bit of pigment directly from a phthalo blue 110 and draw the sky in the still damp sketch. After that, take the pigment from burnt ochre 187 onto the brush and paint the ground. Intensify the shadow and the rest of the area of the ball in the same way.